Introducing My Spice Cupboard


Masala Dabha - Spice tray with whole spices

Masala Dabha – Spice tray with Several whole spices


Spices, Spices, Spices…. So many, so little time.

It has been sometime now that the ‘wheels have been turning’ and about time I say!  I’ve been working on adding a separate page to my blog describing the spices I use in my kitchen.  On this page, called My Spice Cupboard, I’d like to incorporate a list of spices, as well as a description of each spice, one spice post at a time.  Therefore building My Spice Cupboard (not yet up) over a period of time.

Anyway this is how My Spice Cupboard came into being…A few weeks back I began my quest – writing, researching, planning and taking endless photos of various spices.  Let me tell you it was great!  But I felt rather overwhelmed by the whole scenario that lay before me.

A few Varieties of Chile powder

Chile powders

There are heaps amongst heaps of spices intergrated in Indian cooking, some simple and effective, and then some more complex and vibrant.  After teaching several cooking classes, I wondered to myself that maybe, just maybe, you may feel a little perplexed if I introduced them to you all at once.

However, I do understand that everyone has different levels of knowledge regarding spices, some may know more or some may not and that is perfectly alright.

Over the next several posts, I will introduce these pantry delights one at a time and share what I have learned over the years from my Mum, Grandmas and other sources too.  I will continue to post recipes for my awesome readers who appreciate that aspect of my blog too.

I’m absolutely thrilled to share my ‘know how’ of spices with you in a simple and less confusing manor.

Cumin Seeds

Cumin Seeds

For the Love of Ghee, please share your thoughts here.  I love hearing from you 🙂


14 thoughts on “Introducing My Spice Cupboard

    • Thank you. I’m absolutely thrilled to be sharing what I know with you. And I totally understand about having lots of spices. It’s just so exciting to see them in the market and not buy them. I have a whole stash of spices I have bought over the years that I still have not used, but I’m sure I will get to them eventually 😉 Thanks for stopping by.


  1. This is so exciting, Shamin, as I still remember a cooking class I took eons ago (from Raghavan Iyer) where he had a similar spice kit and took us through the different stages of roasting, grinding, etc. And a few weeks back he spoke at a conference I attended and he talked again about how many spice flavors you can get from one spice depending on how you prepare it. I love that you’re going to work through some of that here, too. Can’t wait to see what is in your spice cupboard 😀


    • Lol! Thank you Lori! I love my spice tray too 😉 I have one for the powdered spices too. Makes it so easy for cooking. I just open the lids and everything is there that I need. So no fumbling with extra bottles, etc 🙂


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