Introducing Shamim’s Pantry Pasture Grazed Ghee


Hi my dear friends and fellow bloggers!

Again… it has been a tad bit too long since I wrote to you last.  As I mentioned in my previous post I was working on “Project Ghee”, well I don’t think I called it that exactly … but it sure does sound good right now 🙂

Anyway, let me tell you what I’ve been up too.  I’ve been preoccupied with ‘GHEE’, now I’m sure you shaking your head and thinking, “Really Shamim, like you had to tell us that!” (sarcasm intended)  Well, of course it’s ghee.  Ghee all the way baby!

Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been practically working round the clock, getting my plan into action.  There’s been a lot of “blood, sweat and tears… well actually mostly tantrums”, but the hard work has surely paid off.  I can now introduce to you  SHAMIM’S PANTRY, my little business of which I am the owner and sole ghee maker, aka the Ghee Lady. Yay!!!

I’ve been making small batches of ghee from scratch in a rather large stainless steel pot over an even bigger gas stove.  It’s been loads of fun, well actually… it wasn’t the case the first time round I made a batch of ghee.  I nearly passed out from sheer nerves.  I knew I had to get my shit together or else no ghee would be flowing that day.  I did however, tighten up and have since made several batches of golden delicious and super healthy ghee.  And… it IS loads of fun now! 🙂

So here’s a little something I put together to introduce my Ghee!

I am making ghee, finally!

Made from the butter of some very happy and local cows.

Raised on green pasture full of fresh sweet grass, woven with young clover. Yum!

This is what gives the ghee a beautiful golden yellow color.

My Small-batch



will be available at

Linden Hills Farmers Market

Minneapolis, MN

on the following days, Rain or Shine

May 31
June 14 and 28
July 5 and 12
August 9 and 16
Sept 6 and 13

If you’re local and have the time Please swing on by.

I’m still working on the online business – It will be up soon, so you out of towner’s can get your hands on my ghee 😉

Thanks for all The Support!


Cow graphic

20 thoughts on “Introducing Shamim’s Pantry Pasture Grazed Ghee

  1. The ghee is smooth and wonderfully tasty. And it looks like happy sunshine! I’m feeling very grateful to have wandered to your booth at the Linden Hills Farmers Market this morning. Thank you!


  2. sounds delish! you have converted me. Never used ghee 12 mos ago, Now I cant cook without it! Where can I get my hands on some if I cant make it to the Farmer’s Market??


    • Hi Asma,
      That’s awesome! I love hearing about ghee-converts 😉 I am working on my online pantry, will be live soon.
      Just working on a few logistics like postage to different states, etc.
      If you lived in the twin cities I could have arranged for a local pick up.
      Will keep you posted via FTLOG’s email send outs.


    • Thank you Darryl. You’re right about the headaches, but like you said it’s so satisfying. I’m thinking of the challenges I’m faced with in the business as pure learning tools. It’s been fun so far… And I hope it continues.


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